
October 8, 2016 – Catapult Your Career Opportunities: The Art and Science of Successful Relationship Building

In a world of ubiquitous social media, smartphones and 24-hour cable TV, we have never been more connected to news and current events in the digital world but how do we stay connected in the real world so we can secure the best jobs, promotions, and career opportunities? In this inspiring and insightful speech, our keynote speaker Christopher Kai will share 7 insightful strategies on how you can catapult your career opportunities by under-standing the art and science of successful relationship building.

1. Why Your Network is the #1 Best Predictor of Your Career Success
2. The Billionaire Mindset Based on 20 Years of Research
3. How to Be 93% More Effective as a Communicator
4. Follow Up the Right Way and Be 80% More Successful
5. How One Charity Raised $101M in One Night and Why You Should Care
6. These 4 Happy Chemicals Will Help You Connect With Anyone
7. Stand Out and Be Remembered 22X Better

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