Hong Kong is the gateway to the Chinese Mainland. With economic opportunities in China steadily on the rise, Hong Kong has proven to be an effective business platform for small to large enterprises in the United States to enter the vast Chinese Mainland market. With the Belt and Road Initiative and Greater Bay Area Initiative in place, Hong Kong has become even more valuable as a strategic partner for any company interested in sourcing, producing and selling in China. Strong economic ties between Hong Kong and the United States suggest that an ever-increasing number of U.S. businesses are using the channels, knowledge and skills that Hong Kong offers to manage and co-ordinate their mainland activities.
As the U.S. gateway to the Pacific, Southern California is the definitive position from which businesses can capitalize on these abundant overseas opportunities. And as numerous establishments can positively attest, membership in the Hong Kong Association of Southern California (HKASC) provides not only an opening to local networking channels, but also a competitive edge in the business world.
As a member association of the Federation of Hong Kong Business Associations Worldwide (FHKBAW), HKASC offers its business partners worldwide access to the international business community. Within the FHKBAW network, members can interact with organizations spanning 33 countries and over 13,000 business leaders.
HKASC is also one of the founding Member Organizations of the National U.S. Hong Kong Business Association (NUSHKBA) providing stronger ties and more networking opportunities for its members with their counterparts located throughout the United States including Atlanta, Florida, Hawaii, Massachusetts, the Midwest, Nevada, New York, Northern California, Northern Texas, Philadelphia and Washington state.
The main objectives of the Hong Kong Association of Southern California are the facilitation and strengthening of business and economic relationship between Hong Kong and Southern California. To that end, our goals are: