February 3, 2020 – HKASC 28th Chinese New Year Gala – Year of the Rat 眾特別嘉賓、贊助商、南加州香港商會理事及分會理事大合照 Group Photo with Dignitaries, Sponsors, HKASC Board Members and Chapter Leaders. 中華人民共和國駐洛杉磯總領事館莊志哲副總領使致詞 Speech by Zhuang Zhizhe, Deputy Consul General, Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Los Angeles 南加州香港商會行政副總裁及晚宴籌委會主席鄭錦年(左)、洛杉磯郡警察局副警察局長蒂莫西村上 Undersheriff Timothy Murakami (左二)、洛杉磯中華總商會主席莊佩源(右二)及南加香港商會前會長呂頌樂(右一) (left most) Raymond Cheng, HKASC Executive VP and Dinner Committee Chair; (2nd from the left) Timothy Murakami, Undersheriff, Sheriff’s Department, County of Los Angeles; (2nd from the right)Chester Chong, Chairman, Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles; (right most) Christopher Leu, Past President, HKASC. 香港貿發局洛杉磯代表盧逸峰(右)與洛杉磯港口貿易發展助理總監Norman Arikawa(中)及洛杉磯總商會高級副總裁Patrick Schaefer (左) Chris Lo, Director, Los Angeles, Hong Kong Trade Development Council; (middle) Norman Arikawa, Assistant Director Trade Development, Port of Los Angeles; (left) Patrick Schaefer, Senior VP, Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce. 國會眾議員趙美心(Judy Chu) 向晚宴籌委會主席鄭錦年(右)及副主席鄧偉信(左)頒發嘉許狀 Congresswoman Judy Chu presented a Certificate of Appreciation to the Dinner Committee Chair Raymond Cheng and Co-chair Wilson Tang 洛杉磯社區學院(LACCD)理事方樹強(Mike Fong) (圖中) 向晚宴籌委會主席鄭錦年(右)及副主席鄧偉信(左)頒發嘉許狀 Mike Fong, Board of Trustees Los Angeles Community College District presented a Certificate of Appreciation to the Dinner Committee Chair Raymond Cheng and Co-chair Wilson Tang 新出爐2020華埠小姐 2020 Miss Chinatown and her court. 左起:南加州香港商會行政副總裁李文超、香港駐三藩市經濟貿易辦事處處長蔣志豪及副局長丘樂峰 (from left) Dennis Lee, HKASC Immediate Past President & Executive VP; Ivanhoe Chang, Director, Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office in San Francisco (HKETO); Michael Yau, Deputy Director, HKETO. 企業主贊助理泰律師事務所(Leech Tishman Fuscaldo & Lampl)董事合夥人Pete Fuscaldo (左)與晚宴籌委會主席鄭錦年 Pete Fuscaldo, Managing Partner, Leech Tishman Fuscaldo & Lampl, LLC, Corporate Banquet Chair of the Gala, and Raymond Cheng, Dinner Committee Chair. 國泰銀行南加州高級副總裁鄧偉信(後排左三)與同事及嘉賓合照 Wilson Tang, Senior VP & District Administrator, SoCal Region I, Cathay Bank and his guests. 香港貿發局洛杉磯代表盧逸峰與各本地商會組織代表合照 Chris Lo, Director, Los Angeles, Hong Kong Trade Development Council and guests from various local chambers and business associations. 華美銀行商業及消費銀行區域總監及高級總裁Kitty Chen 與南加州香港商會行政副總裁及晚宴籌委會主席鄭錦年合照 Kitty Chen, SVP – Regional Director of Consumer Banking & Director of Business Banking, East West Bank, and Raymond Cheng, Dinner Committee Chair. 左起:星島日報總經理余寧及晚宴籌委會副主席鄧偉信 Philip Yee, General Manager of Sing Tao Newspapers Los Angeles and Dinner Committee Co-chair Wilson Tang 國泰航空美州營銷主管Asad Shah聯同其團隊,頒發幸運大抽獎頭獎國泰航空洛杉磯至香港來回機票給幸運兒 Asad Shah, Head of Trade Sales, Americas, Cathay Pacific Airways, and his team presented the Grand Prize of a Los Angeles/Hong Kong round trip ticket to the lucky winner. 2018粵語好聲音全球總冠軍鄭琪琪任表演嘉賓 Vocals performance by Qiqi Zheng, Champion of the “Voice of Cantonese” in 2018 and the champion of the 2014 ETTV Top Idol. « December 11, 2019 – Law Seminar: Chapter 5 Bankruptcy from a Creditor’s Perspective / New Developments in California Employment Law July 7, 2020 – HKASC Webinar: Member-to-Member Sharing »